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How to be productive through difficult times

It’s hard being productive 100% of the time. Some days we have a lot going on emotionally, health-wise, or just other problems that don’t let us focus on our work. If you had a full-time job (as a business owner or otherwise) and now you are stuck at home, you could use this time to sharpen your skills, create content, and work on your business.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I know some of us are dealing with a lot, job loss, not enough income coming in, loved ones that are sick, and kids at home trying to stay on track with their new virtual school, you might feel overwhelmed. It’s a lot, isn’t?

The first step? Make a list - simple, right?

  1. Yes, a LIST! Do not trust your brain, plus it is therapeutic to write things down. (I’m not a therapist but it does feel good!)

  2. Identify your pattern - Do you work better in the morning, the afternoon or the evening?

  3. Set small goals for the day - With everything that is going on, we might think we want to do a lot but the situation can make it hard to feel 100% productive so setting smaller goals can help you feel accomplished throughout the day and week.

  4. Focus on one task at a time - Even if you think multitasking is the best way to go at tackling your tasks for the day, with everything going on, I would suggest to take it easy. Life is complicated right now and stressful.

You will have days that are amazingly productive and others were you will have to take a step back, breathe deep, and be gentle with yourself. This is not the time to see who can achieve more or play the comparison game. It seems like a lot of people are labeling this season in there lives like the perfect time to “thrive”. If other are thriving through this pandemic, that is great but if you feel guilty for not being your best self during this time, that is OK too and completely normal. We are in this together!