Branding and Web Design by Magnolia Creative Studio

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Taking charge of your business during COVID-19

During the season of uncertainty, we worry about a million things. Getting sick, losing income, closing up our business, homeschooling our kids, I mean everything has been turned upside down. It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I know because I feel it too.

During seasons like these we grieve, we fight anxiety, but we also fight back. We cannot sit on the sidelines waiting for things to pass because this WILL pass. When? We aren’t 100% sure but if history teaches us something is that nothing is forever.

What can we do while we go through the motions of fighting all these feelings of uncertainty?

Take charge of the small things and adapt to what is to come. Once this is over, things won’t be 100% back to normal, a lot of people will probably still be cautious about going out or meeting people so you want to take that into consideration NOW and understand that yes, we will still have photography sessions and weddings in the coming years. This is not going to be a forever situation but we want to take the steps to be ready once the big danger is over.

One of those things will be virtual meetings. Right now everyone is communicating through Facetime or other forms of video calls so you want to implement those as a normal way of setting up meetings with your prospective clients.

In the coming days, I will share some ideas of things you can start working on to adapt to this situation and prepare for the future of your business.

Sitting stagnant IS NOT AN OPTION. It’s tempting to sit, watch Netflix and wait but DO NOT fall for that trap.

Will you have bad days? Of course, but don’t let those days control the direction of your life and your business. Girl, we will make a comeback from this and we all have to stick together, keep at it, and work hard!