When is the right time to rebrand?

When is the right time to rebrand?

Are you wondering i now is the right time to rebrand your business? As a luxury brand and website designer that has gone through the process myself, I can tell you that there are several seasons through your business journey that will be the "perfect" time to rebrand. I want to you to have the brand and website that your business deserves, so read on to see if this is the right time for you!

Why have a digital guide for your clients

Why have a digital guide for your clients

Do you struggle answering the same questions over and over again?  

When you book a client, they usually have a series of questions that trickle into your inbox as the days or weeks go by.  These are questions that you might be answering frequently with other clients but still don't want to add them to your own website's FAQ because it's information for booked clients.  Learn why and how you can add one to your own website!

Brand & Website Launch | Timeless Event Planning

Brand & Website Launch | Timeless Event Planning

This past year I had the opportunity to work on a beautiful rebrand and website design for Sandy Brooks, the owner behind Timeless Event Planning. When Sandy reached out, she was in the process of changing her business name, so it was a great time to overhaul her brand and create a new website that represented her goals and clientele. Take a look at her new brand and website!